Monday, September 27, 2010

We're in Ireland!

We are officially in Ireland but we are both feeling a little under the weather. It's nothing serious, just some sore throat and fatigue sort of symptoms (Bryan thinks it's pretty much from little sleept+ lots of work+ foreign bacteria+ foreign climate= really tuckered out). Now that we're in Ireland, there is actually some humidity and comfort and plenty of Guiness. We landed today in London and it took more than an hour and a half to pass through customs and security but suprisingly we made our flight to Dublin. With all that said, please accept a few pictures in leu of a more detailed post, and tomorrow we'll get more written.


  1. Really glad to hear you arrived safe and sound. Sorry you're feeling crummy, hopefully some R&R will get you both back on your feet. Love 'ya! Looking forward to those pictures you mentioned though!

  2. Can't wait to see you guys when you get back! Monks?

  3. So sorry you are not feeling well! Reentry can be a challenge. Looking forward to hearing all about your adventure.

  4. Extremely cool pictures. Looks like I expected it too. The picture of the kid's homes was not what I expected - that was a little shocking. I do want to see some more animal pictures too. Hope you are feeling top notch by now. Adrienne and I did not feel good after returning from Egypt. You will get better
